Wednesday, August 19, 2009

the art of manliness

Dear readers (the few that I may may may have),
I am so freaking excited to write about this website that a friend introduced me to. Being that I am a girl, and this website is called, it may not really apply to me...but we'll see about that.

You see, it started like this. I listen to 99.5 KKLA on the way to work every morning and hear some awesome sermons, awesome speakers, awesome topics. And when I get to work, I unfailingly gchat with a friend that is always at work when I am. One day, he messages me with a quote that I had heard that morning on 99.5 and we discover that we both listen to the same radio station and the same time, thus hearing the same messages every morning.

Today, Voddie Baucham was on familylife (on 99.5). His book is called: "What He Must Be...If He Wants to Marry My Daughter." Haha, how awesome is that? One of his "qualifications" for this man was to be one who is able to lead a woman just as Christ leads His Church...and the subject came up of...feminine men. That men have become feminized in our feminist culture of today because women want to be independent and equal. I personally don't. I want to be led.

Back to my friend who I gchat with. He sent me a most fitting and appropriate website that a trendy website catcher email sent him:

This website is INCREDIBLE. I wonder, how many guys these days are truly manly. What does it even mean to be really "manly"? I mean, how many men are truly manly like Jesus? Able to sacrifice and to love and to lead, even when it hurts their pride, makes them feel unmanly, or is hard.

I feel like what women see as "manly" might not always be what a man sees as "manly." Correct me if I'm wrong.

What really stuck out to me was the fact that this website had a section called "Relationships and Family." Men, because you are men, relationships must be vital and vital and more vital to you. Relationships with everyone! How men command relationships and work at them really reflect the image of God. And I don't think that working on relationships means that a man is becoming more sensitive or soft - I think he's becoming more manly! Sensitive to the needs of the people that surround him, yes, but a sensitive softie, no. In fact I think this is very manly of him. But this does NOT in any way mean that women should be hands off in relationships to let the men do all the work... heck to the no.

But generally, I think women are more willing and better at doing relationships, if you must. :) (Actually, maybe not).

And guess what else this incredible website has... Dress & Grooming, Health & Sports, Money & Career, Manly Skills. Oh man, what else can a man ask for? It is the ultimate manual on how to be a man. Haha.

I wish someone made a website called Because we women desperately need it, too. Maybe this is my next step........... if I become a famous blogger and God gives me wisdom like Solomon of how to be a Godly woman, because I still am not. But I think this site will also be good for women. To see some of the things men struggle with and why some things are harder for them than for us. To be more gracious to our brothers, help them, help them help us. Because I've found out that men and women are so very different...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the next step

it's kind of hard to think of your next step when you're preoccupied with the memories of the past and the busy-ness of the present. duh, right? but, what can you do? i think the recurring message for me lately that i've been attempting to avoid is "move forward, move forward, move forward." how scary... and my excuse to it has been "but what if...? and what if...?" and then God slaps me and says "it doesn't matter." funny how we try to play God by imagining and dwelling on circumstances that we make up in our own minds, playing out situations and possibilities. but this doesn't matter. to realize that God is sovereign, and whatever is in His will, He will orchestrate perfectly if only we obey right now.

at my work, we're having an interviewing program with huge and rich law firms interviewing law students to take on board. which makes me think... where do i go now? i'm graduated, i'm going to be officially unemployed in two weeks. what do i do???

i want to run from everything and fly away!!! or to crawl up in a hole.

so in conclusion, i don't know what my next step is haha. if all else fails, this is what i will do:

1. contiki tour to europe - who wants to go with me?
2. go to korea and have fun while making bank

fill in the blanks =)